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當前位置:首頁 > 招標信息 > 鄄城縣人民醫(yī)院“械”字號器械維保項目二次招標廢標公告

鄄城縣人民醫(yī)院“械”字號器械維保項目二次招標廢標公告  咨詢本項目

采購與招標網(wǎng)   商業(yè)服務,醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生   山東   2025-01-10
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招標代理公司(立即查看) 受業(yè)主單位(立即查看) 委托的項目評審工作已圓滿結束,于2025-01-10在采購與招標網(wǎng)發(fā)布 鄄城縣人民醫(yī)院“械”字號器械維保項目二次招標廢標公告,現(xiàn)將成交供應商名單公告。 <style type="text/css"> td{font-size:(略)px;font-family: "宋體"; border-collapse:collapse} #maintable{border-top:solid 1px black;border-left:solid 1px black;} #maintable td{border-right:solid 1px black;border-bottom:solid 1px black;} .table_one{border-collapse:collapse; border:2px #acb1b7 solid; color:#(略)} .table_one td{border:1px #acb1b7 solid; padding:5px;} .table_one td table td{ border:1px #fff solid} .strg{ font-weight:bold;} .table_two{border-collapse:collapse; color:#(略); border:2px #acb1b7 solid; line-height:(略)px;} .table_two td{ padding:5px;} .bg{background-color:#e5f2f8; color:#(略)} .tle{width:(略)%; font-size:(略)px; line-height:(略)px; color:#(略); font-weight:bold; text-align:center; padding:(略)px 0px; margin:0 auto} .red{ color:#F(略)}</style><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="tle">鄄(略)“械”字號器械維保項目二次<a class="mao" href="http://www.yuhuangcheng.com/" target="_blank" style="color:#4577DC;">招標</a>廢標公告</div><table width="(略)" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table_one" align="center" style="font-size:(略)px;border-collapse:collapse;table-layout:auto;word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;"> <tr> <td width="(略)%" class="bg"><b>一、采購項目名稱:</b></td> <td colspan="3" class="nr_bg">鄄(略)“械”字號器械維保項目二次招標設備維保</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="(略)%" class="bg"><b>二、采購<a class="mao" href="javascript:qimoChatClick('項目編號')" rel="nofollow" style="color:#4577DC;">項目編號</a>:</b></td> <td colspan="3" class="nr_bg">SDGP(略)</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="(略)%" class="bg"><b>三、采購公告發(fā)布日期:</b></td> <td colspan="3" class="nr_bg">(略)-(略)-(略) </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="(略)%" class="bg"><b>四、采購方式</b></td> <td colspan="3" class="nr_bg"><a class="mao" href="javascript:qimoChatClick('公開招標')" rel="nofollow" style="color:#4577DC;">公開招標</a></td></tr> <tr> <td width="(略)%" class="bg"><b>五、廢標原因</b></td> <td colspan="3" class="nr_bg"><a class="mao" href="javascript:sbiaoChatClick('招標文件')" rel="nofollow" style="color:#4577DC;" title="標書制作">招標文件</a>評(略)細則未細化量(略)采購法實施條例》第三(略)采購法》第三十六條第(二)項應予廢標。</td></tr><tr> <td class="bg" colspan="4"><b>六、聯(lián)系方式</b></td></tr> <tr> <td width="(略)%" class="bg"><strong>采購人:(略)ong></td> <td width="(略)%">鄄(略)</td> <td class="bg"><strong>地址:(略)> </tr> <tr><td width="(略)%" class="bg"><strong>聯(lián)系人:(略)ong></td> <td width="(略)%">李方瑞</td> <td class="bg"><strong>聯(lián)系方式:</strong></td> <td>(略)-(略)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="1" width="(略)%" class="bg"><strong><a class="mao" href="javascript:qimoChatClick('代理機構')" rel="nofollow" style="color:#4577DC;">代理機構</a>:</strong></td> <td widt(略)</td> <td width="(略)%" class="bg"><strong>地址:(略)%">(略)號7(略)</td> </tr> <tr><td width="(略)%" class="bg"><strong>聯(lián)系人:(略)ong></td> <td width="(略)%">劉艷麗</td> <td width="(略)%" class="bg"><strong>聯(lián)系方式:</strong></td> <td width="(略)%">(略)</td> </tr></table> <br><a href=http:(略).cn/cggg/dfgg/qtgg/(略)/t(略)_(略).htm>(略)查看內容</a> <!-- <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="zixun">咨詢該項目請撥打:400-006-6655</div>--> <!--相關公告--> </div> <!--推薦關鍵詞--> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="tjgjc"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="fl gjc"> <span style="padding-left: 20px">推薦關鍵詞:</span> <a target="_blank" href="/sd/醫(yī)院/">醫(yī)院</a> <a target="_blank" href="/sd/鄄城縣/">鄄城縣</a> </div> </div> <!--注冊即享受--> <!--注冊即享受模塊--> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="tjgjc zcxs" onclick="changeTab(2)"> <img class="zcxs_zc" src="/public/2020/img/infoshow/img_bt.png" alt=""> <ul> <li> <img src="/public/2020/img/infoshow/icon_pp.png" alt=""> <h3>值得信賴的品牌</h3> <p>為配合政府實施《中華人民共和國招標投標法》以及規(guī)范公共采購市場的需求,于1998年在北京注冊成立,已持續(xù)運營二十四年。</p> </li> <li> <img src="/public/2020/img/infoshow/icon_mfc.png" alt=""> <h3>及時、準確、全面和專業(yè)的信息免費查</h3> <p>24小時,時時更新全國31個省、市、自治區(qū)及各類金融組織貸款項目招標信息,包括世行、亞行項目的招標和采購信息。</p> </li> <li> <img src="/public/2020/img/infoshow/icon_ts.png" alt=""> <h3>智能化的信息推送</h3> <p>根據(jù)用戶的行業(yè)、地區(qū)、偏好等,有針對性、及時的為用戶智能推薦所需的信息,以極高的專業(yè)度滿足不同用戶的個性化需求。</p> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="dlxs"> <h2>登錄后可查看全文</h2> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="btn"> <span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="btn1" onclick="changeTab(1)">立即登錄</span> <span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="btn2" onclick="changeTab(2)">還不是會員?立即免費注冊</span> </div> <h4><img src="/public/2020/img/infoshow/icon_rx.png">咨詢熱線:<span style="font-size: 20px">400-006-6655</span></h4> </div> </div> <!--底部熱門標簽--> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cnxh zbgg" style="width: 100%"> <h3 class="cnxh_b zbgg_b"> <img src="https://cdn.chinabidding.cn/public/cblcn/infoshow/images/img_xq/zbgg_40.jpg" alt="采購與招標網(wǎng)招標信息" /> <span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="tab_h2">招標公告</span> <span style="color: #e6e6e6">|</span> <span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="tab_h2 zbgg_b_gray">市級招標</span> </h3> <ul class="cnxh_list tab_b2"> <li id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cn_lt"><a title="高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向" href="/zbgg/U-vlzKdaB.html" target="_blank">高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向</a></li> <li id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cn_lt"><a title="高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向" href="/zbgg/U-vlzKda2.html" target="_blank">高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向</a></li> <li id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cn_lt"><a title="高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向" href="/zbgg/U-vlzKdag.html" target="_blank">高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向</a></li> <li id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cn_lt"><a title="高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向" href="/zbgg/U-vlzKdaE.html" target="_blank">高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向</a></li> <li id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cn_lt"><a title="高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向" href="/zbgg/U-vlzKdaZ.html" target="_blank">高唐縣固河鎮(zhèn)中心小學2025年02月(至)02月政府采購意向</a></li> <li id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cn_lt"><a title="安徽宿固高速公路項目總承包部玄武巖采購招標" href="/zbgg/U-vlzKd1y.html" target="_blank">安徽宿固高速公路項目總承包部玄武巖采購招標</a></li> <li id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cn_lt"><a title="安徽碳鑫科技有限公司2025年氣動調節(jié)閥維修項目詢比公告" href="/zbgg/nkXpXP.html" target="_blank">安徽碳鑫科技有限公司2025年氣動調節(jié)閥維修項目詢比公告</a></li> <li id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cn_lt"><a title="城發(fā)城市服務科技(河南)有限公司封丘分公司除雪設備租賃項目詢比單采購公告" href="/zbgg/nkXpXd.html" target="_blank">城發(fā)城市服務科技(河南)有限公司封丘分公司除雪設備租賃項目詢比單采購公告</a></li> </ul> <ul class="cnxh_list tab_b2" style="display: none; 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JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('springList')) : [] //默認為[],點擊關閉后存儲id var flag = true for (var i = 0; i < springList.length; i++) { if (springList[i].userId == userId) { // flag = false; coolFlag = springList[i].date } } var ax = window.location.href if (ax.indexOf('/old_index') != -1 || ax == '') { //首頁時,判斷一下是否會彈出自主續(xù)費 // var loginFlag = $.cookie("loginFLag") //是否為當天第一次登錄 var closePayFlag = $.cookie('alwaysClosePayHint') //是否為當天第一次登錄 var now = new Date() //當前日期 var nowDay = now.getDay() //當前星期數(shù) var nowTime = now.getTime() //獲取當前時間戳 var oneMonth = getExpiredTime(endDate, 1) //一個月過期時間戳 var twoMonth = getExpiredTime(endDate, 2) //兩個月過期時間戳 var thrMonth = getExpiredTime(endDate, 3) //三個月過期時間戳 if (null == closePayFlag) { // 為當天第一次登錄 if (nowTime > thrMonth && nowTime < twoMonth) { // 2~3個月過期 if (nowDay === 1) { flag = false } } else if (nowTime > twoMonth && nowTime < oneMonth) { // 1~2個月過期 if (nowDay === 1 || nowDay === 5) { flag = false } } } } var startWork = 20220107 var endWork = 20220114 var nowWork = getCooldate() if (nowWork >= startWork && nowWork <= endWork) { //在該時間有效 if (flag && coolFlag != nowWork) { $('body').append('<div class="ec7yi2bgsz" id="autumn_box"><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="autumn"></div><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cool_close"></div></div>') if (IEVersion() == 9) { $('#autumn_box').css('filter', 'none') } if (IEVersion() == 8) { $('#autumn_box').css('z-index', 100000000000) } } } } function setCoolPop(userName, userMeta, type, userId) { userId = String(userId) if (userMeta == '' || userMeta == null || userMeta == '400-006-6655') { //電話 userMeta = '400-006-6655' } if (userName == '' || userName == null || userName == '銷售專員' || userName == '專屬客服') { //名字 userName = '' } // var registerFlag = sessionStorage.getItem("registerFlag") == "1" ? true : false; var registerFlag = false if ((type == 'a' && (userMeta === '400-006-6655' || cool_salelist.indexOf(userName) !== -1)) || registerFlag) { setCoolFlag(registerFlag, userId) $('#autumn_box .sphone').text(userMeta) $('#autumn_box .sname').text(userName) // $("#autumn_box .autumn").on("click", function () { // window.open("") // }) $('#autumn_box .cool_close').on('click', function () { var date = getCooldate() var springList = localStorage.getItem('springList') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('springList')) : [] var flag = true for (var i = 0; i < springList.length; i++) { if (springList[i].userId == userId) { flag = false springList[i].date = date } } if (flag) { springList.push({ userId: userId, date: date }) localStorage.setItem('springList', JSON.stringify(springList)) } else { localStorage.setItem('springList', JSON.stringify(springList)) } $('#autumn_box').hide() return false }) } } function setCoolFlag(registerFlag, userId) { var coolFlag = '' var springList = localStorage.getItem('springList') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('springList')) : [] //默認為[],點擊關閉后存儲id var flag = true for (var i = 0; i < springList.length; i++) { if (springList[i].userId == userId) { flag = false coolFlag = springList[i].date } } var startWork = 20211105 var endWork = 20211111 var nowWork = getCooldate() if (nowWork >= startWork && nowWork <= endWork) { //在該時間有效 if (flag || (!flag && coolFlag != nowWork)) { $('body').append( '<div class="ec7yi2bgsz" id="autumn_box"><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="autumn"><p><span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="sname"></span><span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="sphone"></span></p></div><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cool_close"></div></div>' ) if (IEVersion() == 9) { $('#autumn_box').css('filter', 'none') } if (IEVersion() == 8) { $('#autumn_box').css('z-index', 100000000000) } } else if (registerFlag) { $('body').append( '<div class="ec7yi2bgsz" id="autumn_box"><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="autumn"><p><span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="sname"></span><span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="sphone"></span></p></div><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cool_close"></div></div>' ) if (IEVersion() == 9) { $('#autumn_box').css('filter', 'none') } if (IEVersion() == 8) { $('#autumn_box').css('z-index', 100000000000) } sessionStorage.setItem('registerFlag', '0') } } } // 營銷活動彈窗 //營銷活動彈窗 function setMarketing(data) { var userMeta var userName var type if (data.c_user) { var userMeta = data.c_user.userMeta var userName = data.c_user.userName var type = data.c_user.type } else if (data.user) { var userMeta = data.user.userMeta var userName = data.user.userName var type = data.user.type } else { var userMeta = data.userMeta var userName = data.userName var type = data.type } var registerFlag = sessionStorage.getItem('registerFlag') == '1' ? true : false if (userMeta == '' || userMeta == null || userMeta == '400-006-6655') { //電話 userMeta = '400-006-6655' } if (userName == '' || userName == null || userName == '銷售專員' || userName == '專屬客服') { //名字 userName = '' } // if ((type == "a" && (userMeta === "400-006-6655" || cool_salelist.indexOf(userName) !== -1)) || registerFlag) { // console.log("已經(jīng)登錄了,是免費客戶和。。。",userMeta,userName); var startWork = 20220913 var endWork = 20230831 var nowWork = getCooldate() if (nowWork >= startWork && nowWork <= endWork) { //在該時間有效 if (localStorage.getItem('marketingFlag') != nowWork) { $('body').append( ' <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="containter"><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="containter_bgc"><div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="containter_box"><p class="meta"><img src="/public/2020/img/syhd_tc_text6.png" alt=""><span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="name">張三</span><span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="phone">13346878843</span></p><p class="closebtn"><img src="https://cdn.chinabidding.cn/public/2020/img/syhd_tc_icongb2.png" alt=""></p></div></div></div>' ) $('.containter').show() $('.meta .phone').text(userMeta) $('.meta .name').text(userName) // if (IEVersion() == 9) { // $("#advert_box").css("filter", "none"); // } // if (IEVersion() == 8) { // $("#advert_box").css("z-index", 1000000000); // } sessionStorage.setItem('registerFlag', '0') } } $('.containter .closebtn').click(function () { var date = getCooldate() localStorage.setItem('marketingFlag', date) $('.containter').remove() }) // } } function getCooldate() { var date = new Date() var year = date.getFullYear() var month = date.getMonth() + 1 + '' var nowDate = date.getDate() if (month >= 1 && month <= 9) { month = '0' + month } if (nowDate >= 0 && nowDate <= 9) { nowDate = '0' + nowDate } var newDate = year + month + nowDate return Number(newDate) } function getExpiredTime(date, num) { var expiredDate = new Date(date) var lastMonth = expiredDate.getMonth() expiredDate.setMonth(lastMonth - num) return expiredDate.getTime() } function IEVersion() { //判斷ie版本 var userAgent = navigator.userAgent //取得瀏覽器的userAgent字符串 var isIE = userAgent.indexOf('compatible') > -1 && userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1 //判斷是否IE<11瀏覽器 var isEdge = userAgent.indexOf('Edge') > -1 && !isIE //判斷是否IE的Edge瀏覽器 var isIE11 = userAgent.indexOf('Trident') > -1 && userAgent.indexOf('rv:11.0') > -1 if (isIE) { var reIE = new RegExp('MSIE (\\d+\\.\\d+);') reIE.test(userAgent) var fIEVersion = parseFloat(RegExp['$1']) if (fIEVersion == 7) { return 7 } else if (fIEVersion == 8) { return 8 } else if (fIEVersion == 9) { return 9 } else if (fIEVersion == 10) { return 10 } else { return 6 //IE版本<=7 } } else if (isEdge) { return 'edge' //edge } else if (isIE11) { return 11 //IE11 } else { return -1 //不是ie瀏覽器 } } </script> <style type="text/css"> .fast_box { display: none; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); z-index: 1000000; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#88000000', endColorstr='#88000000'); } .fastlog { width: 360px; height: 466px; margin-left: -495px; margin-top: -250px; padding-left: 614px; position: fixed; left: 50%; top: 50%; bottom: 0; background: 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text-align: center; cursor: pointer; color: #999; } /* 共用注冊成功樣式 */ .regshadow, .logshadowz, .forgetshadow { position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); display: none; z-index: 109; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#88000000', endColorstr='#88000000'); width: 100%; } .regshadow { z-index: 112; } .regshadow .regtxt, .logshadowz .regtxt, .forgetshadow .regtxt { width: 640px; height: 320px; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin-left: -320px; margin-top: -160px; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 12px; font-size: 14px; color: #333; } .regshadow .success, .logshadowz .success, .forgetshadow .success { position: absolute; left: 130px; top: 90px; width: 66px; height: 66px; } .regshadow .closei, .logshadowz .closei, .forgetshadow .closei { position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 20px; font-size: 18px; color: #999; cursor: pointer; } .regshadow .regtxt h4, .logshadowz .regtxt h4, 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inline-block; content: ''; width: 12px; height: 12px; margin: 0 5px; border-radius: 50%; border: 1px solid gray; line-height: inherit; vertical-align: middle; margin-top: -4px; cursor: pointer; background: white; } input:checked + .label-radio:before { background: repeating-radial-gradient(circle at center, red 0, red 50%, white 50%, white 100%); border: 1px solid #ff0000; } /* 領取成功提示 */ .popGetSucess .regtxt { width: 640px; height: 320px; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin-left: -320px; margin-top: -160px; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 12px; font-size: 14px; color: #333; } .popGetSucess .success { position: absolute; left: 130px; top: 90px; width: 66px; height: 66px; } .popGetSucess .closei { position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 20px; font-size: 18px; color: #999; cursor: pointer; } .popGetSucess .regtxt h4 { line-height: 40px; font-size: 18px; margin-left: 210px; padding-top: 90px; } .popGetSucess .regtxt .p1, .logshadowz .regtxt .p1, .forgetshadow .regtxt .p1 { line-height: 20px; margin-left: 210px; } .popGetSucess .regtxt .p2, .logshadowz .regtxt .p2 { color: #999; line-height: 20px; margin-left: 210px; padding-top: 30px; } .popGetSucess .regtxt .p2 a, .logshadowz .regtxt .p2 a { color: #db2831; } .popGetSucess .regtxt .p2 i, .logshadowz .regtxt .p2 i { font-style: normal; } .reg-success-shadow { position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); z-index: 999; display: none; } .reg-success-content { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background: #fff; text-align: center; } .close-busines { width: 300px; height: 174px; border-radius: 2px; display: none; } .reg-success-content .reg-htitle { font-size: 18px; line-height: 38px; padding-top: 20px; } .reg-success-content .reg-p { font-size: 12px; color: #666; line-height: 14px; padding-bottom: 28px; } .reg-success-content .reg-btns { font-size: 0; } .reg-success-content .reg-btns .yes { display: inline-block; width: 104px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; background: #df434a; border-radius: 2px; color: #fff; margin: 0 10px; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; text-indent: 0; } .reg-success-content .reg-btns .no { display: inline-block; width: 104px; height: 38px; line-height: 38px; border-radius: 2px; color: #333; border: 1px solid #ececec; margin: 0 10px; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; } .open-busines { width: 916px; height: 534px; border-radius: 8px; background: url('/public/2020/img/public/img_bg.png') no-repeat 0 0; } .open-busines .open-l { float: left; width: 458px; height: 534px; position: relative; } .open-busines .open-l .zccg { padding-top: 180px; } .open-busines .open-l .zcline { position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 55px; width: 2px; height: 424px; } .open-busines .open-l .reg-h { font-size: 24px; color: #333; line-height: 64px; } .open-busines .open-l .reg-p { font-size: 14px; color: #999; line-height: 24px; } .open-busines .reg-p span { color: #db2831; } .open-busines .open-r { float: left; width: 360px; padding: 0 48px; text-align: left; font-size: 14px; } .open-busines .open-r .setting { padding-top: 56px; padding-bottom: 28px; } .open-r .col { position: relative; } .open-r h5 { font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; color: #999; line-height: 30px; padding-top: 5px; } .open-r .colbox { width: 360px; height: 34px; line-height: 34px; border: 1px solid #e4eaf8; } .open-r .area-chose { width: 306px; padding: 0 16px; color: #000; cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .open-r .area-chose i { position: absolute; right: 12px; top: 50px; width: 8px; height: 4px; background: url('/public/2020/img/public/icon-xl.png') no-repeat 0 0; } .open-r .errortip { display: none; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 5px; color: #df434a; font-size: 14px; line-height: 30px; padding-left: 20px; } .open-r .errortip::after { content: '!'; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 8px; width: 14px; height: 14px; line-height: 14px; font-style: normal; text-align: center; background: #df434a; border-radius: 14px; color: #fff; font-size: 12px; } .open-r .keyinp { width: 240px; border: 0; font-size: 14px; padding: 0 16px; line-height: 36px; height: 36px; } .tnums { position: absolute; right: 60px; top: 36px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 34px; color: #ccc; } .addkey { position: absolute; right: -1px; top: 36px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 34px; width: 52px; height: 34px; background: #e4e7ed; color: #fff; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; } .open-r .area-drop { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 71px; width: 342px; height: 358px; padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 10px; background: #fff; box-shadow: 2px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); z-index: 3; display: none; } .open-r .area-drop li { float: left; line-height: 32px; position: relative; width: 68px; } .open-r .area-drop li:first-child { width: 322px; border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc; margin-bottom: 10px; line-height: 46px; } .open-r .area-drop li:first-child input { top: 16px; } .open-r .area-drop li:first-child label { font-size: 14px; } .open-r .area-drop .litip { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; color: #999; font-size: 14px; } .open-r .area-drop li input { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 8px; width: 16px; height: 16px; } .open-r .area-drop li label { display: inline-block; font-size: 13px; padding-left: 22px; } .open-r .area-drop ul { overflow: hidden; } .open-r .area-drop .area-btns { margin-top: 10px; padding-top: 12px; width: 322px; border-top: 1px solid #dcdcdc; overflow: hidden; } .open-r .area-btns .area-yes { float: left; width: 68px; height: 36px; text-align: center; line-height: 36px; background: #df434a; color: #fff; border-radius: 2px; margin-left: 170px; cursor: pointer; } .open-r .area-btns .area-no { float: left; width: 66px; height: 34px; text-align: center; line-height: 34px; border: 1px solid #ececec; border-radius: 2px; margin-left: 16px; cursor: pointer; } .open-r .area-drop input[type='checkbox'] { display: 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#df434a; position: relative; margin-right: 6px; } .open-r .keysul .keydel { position: absolute; right: 5px; top: 7px; width: 12px; height: 12px; background: url('/public/2020/img/public/icon_guanbi.png') no-repeat 0 0; cursor: pointer; } .open-r .erweima { width: 362px; height: 112px; background: #fcf6fb; overflow: hidden; margin-top: 20px; } .open-r .erweima .coll { float: left; padding-top: 18px; padding-left: 24px; } .open-r .erweima .coll img { width: 76px; height: 76px; } .open-r .erweima .colr { float: left; line-height: 28px; padding-top: 28px; padding-left: 28px; } .bindwx { display: none; float: right; line-height: 40px; font-size: 12px; color: #df434a; margin-top: 20px; margin-right: 20px; position: relative; } .bindwx i { position: absolute; left: -20px; top: 13px; font-style: normal; width: 14px; height: 14px; line-height: 14px; text-align: center; background: #df434a; border-radius: 14px; color: #fff !important; } .sendlog { float: right; width: 120px; height: 40px; text-align: center; line-height: 40px; background: #df434a; color: #fff; border-radius: 2px; margin-top: 20px; cursor: pointer; } .reg-success-close { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin-left: 420px; margin-top: -250px; width: 16px; height: 16px; cursor: pointer; } .reg-success-close img { width: 16px; } .haskey { visibility: hidden; } </style> <!-- 快速注冊 --> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="fast_box"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="fastlog" id="bot_info"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="login-form cl"> <ul class="title_ul"> <li> <h2>密碼登錄</h2> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="bottom_active"></div> </li> <li> <h2>短信登錄</h2> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="bottom_active"></div> </li> <li> <h2>免費注冊</h2> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="bottom_active"></div> </li> </ul> <!-- 密碼登錄 --> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="register_box pass_box" style="display: none"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="log_col1"> <p class="log_p">請輸入用戶名/手機號</p> <input type="text" name="loginname" class="loginphone" autocomplete="off" 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placeholder="請輸入手機號驗證碼" onKeypress="javascript:if(event.keyCode == 32)event.returnValue = false;" /> <span id="getCodeDX">獲取驗證碼</span> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="msg_error"> <p></p> <i></i> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="log_col4 cl"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="login-btn" id="dx_login">快速登錄</div> </div> </div> <!-- 免費注冊 --> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="register_box regis_box" style="display: none"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="log_col1"> <p class="log_p">請輸入手機號</p> <input type="text" name="loginname" autocomplete="off" id="loginname" placeholder="請輸入手機號" onKeypress="javascript:if(event.keyCode == 32)event.returnValue = false;" /> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="msg_error"> <p></p> <i></i> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="log_col2"> <p class="log_p">請輸入圖形驗證碼</p> <input type="text" name="yzm" autocomplete="off" id="yzm" placeholder="請輸入圖形驗證碼" onKeypress="javascript:if(event.keyCode == 32)event.returnValue = false;" /> <img src="" id="yzmImage" onclick="changeYzm()" /> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="msg_error"> <p></p> <i></i> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="log_col3"> <p class="log_p">請輸入手機號驗證碼</p> <input type="text" name="yzmcode" autocomplete="off" id="yzmcode" placeholder="請輸入手機號驗證碼" onKeypress="javascript:if(event.keyCode == 32)event.returnValue = false;" /> <span id="getCode">獲取驗證碼</span> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="msg_error"> <p></p> <i></i> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="log_col5"> <p class="log_p">請輸入聯(lián)系人姓名</p> <input type="text" name="lxname" autocomplete="off" id="lxname" placeholder="請輸入聯(lián)系人姓名" onKeypress="javascript:if(event.keyCode == 32)event.returnValue = false;" /> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="msg_error"> <p></p> <i></i> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="log_col6"> <p class="log_p">請輸入公司名稱</p> <input type="text" name="companyName" autocomplete="off" id="companyName" placeholder="請輸入公司名稱" onKeypress="javascript:if(event.keyCode == 32)event.returnValue = false;" /> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="msg_error"> <p></p> <i></i> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="log_col4 cl"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="login-btn">注冊</div> </div> <!-- <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="to_login"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="loginTo(1)">已有賬號 <span> 馬上登錄</span></a> </div> --> </div> <div class="close" style=" top: -29px; opacity: 0.8; width: 26px; height: 26px; border-radius: 50%; behavior: url(/public/2020/html/PIE.htc); border: 2px solid #fff; text-align: center; " > <a style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 4px" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="closeLog()" rel="nofollow" > <img src="https://cdn.chinabidding.cn/public/2020/img/zc_guanbi.png" alt="" /> </a> </div> <p class="contract cl" style="bottom: 20px"> <span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="cont2" ><span id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="registerspan">注冊</span>代表您同意本網(wǎng)站 <i> 隱私政策 和 用戶服務協(xié)議</i></span > </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 注冊成功 rx201110--> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="regshadow"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="regtxt"> <img src="https://cdn.chinabidding.cn/public/2020/img/zc_image_cg.png" class="success" /> <h4>注冊成功!</h4> <p class="p1">登錄密碼已發(fā)送短信至注冊手機號!請妥善保存</p> <p class="p2"> 頁面將在<i>5</i>S之后自動跳轉 <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="refreshPage()">點擊立即跳轉</a> </p> <i class="iconfont closei" onclick="refreshPage()"></i> </div> </div> <!-- 忘記密碼 --> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="forgetshadow" style="z-index: 100000000"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="regtxt"> <img src="https://cdn.chinabidding.cn/public/2020/img/public/tx.png" class="success" /> <h4>請與專屬客服聯(lián)系 400-006-6655</h4> <p class="p1">如果您已開通企業(yè)子賬號,您還可以選擇使用短信登錄。</p> <i class="iconfont closei" onclick="closefpass()"></i> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="closefpass()" class="fpass">我知道了</a> </div> </div> <!-- 注冊成功提示 --> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="popRegSucess"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="popBox"> <img src="/public/2020/img/img_zccg.png" class="imgSucess" /> <h3>注冊成功</h3> <p class="p1">登錄密碼已<span style="color: #ff0000">發(fā)送短信至注冊手機</span>!請妥善保存</p> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="regGift"> <p class="p2"> 2024年開啟,元博網(wǎng)為您的招投標事業(yè)助力,<span style="color: #e75653">注冊即可享好禮,禮品二選一!</span> </p> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="regLabel"> <input id="man" type="radio" name="gender" value="1" hidden /> <label class="label-radio" for="man" style="margin-right: 50px"><i class="iconGift"></i>AAA企業(yè)信用證書</label> <input id="woman" type="radio" name="gender" value="2" hidden /> <label class="label-radio" for="woman"><i class="iconGift"></i>9折標書編制代金券</label> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="regBtn" onclick="getGiftNow()">馬上領取</div> <i class="iconfont popClose" onclick="refreshPage()"></i> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="popGetSucess" style="display: none"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="regtxt"> <img src="https://cdn.chinabidding.cn/public/2020/img/zc_image_cg.png" class="success" /> <h4>領取成功!</h4> <p class="p1">已成功領取,您的專屬客服稍后會聯(lián)系您辦理,期待與您的合作!</p> <p class="p2"> 頁面將在<i>2</i>S之后自動跳轉 <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="refreshPage()">點擊立即跳轉</a> </p> <i class="iconfont closei" onclick="refreshPage()"></i> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="reg-success-shadow"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="reg-success-content close-busines"> <h4 class="reg-htitle">確認要關閉嗎</h4> <p class="reg-p">關閉將無法收到商機推送</p> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="reg-btns cl"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="yes">確認關閉</div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="no">再想想</div> </div> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="reg-success-content open-busines"> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="open-l"> <img src="/public/2020/img/public/icon_cg.png" alt="" class="zccg" /> <img src="/public/2020/img/public/img_l.png" alt="" class="zcline" /> <h4 class="reg-h">注冊成功!</h4> <p class="reg-p">登錄密碼<span>已發(fā)送短信至注冊手機</span>!請妥善保存</p> </div> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="open-r"> <img src="/public/2020/img/public/img_wa.png" alt="" class="setting" /> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="col"> <h5>選中關注地區(qū)</h5> <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class="colbox"> <div 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($("#loginpassword").val() == "") { $(".log_col2 .log_p").show(); } } regPwd(); }) $(".pass_box #yzm").blur(function () { if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 9) { if ($(".pass_box #yzm").val() == "") { $(".log_col3 .log_p").show(); } } regCodeImgPwd(); }) // 短信登錄失焦 $(".dx_box #yzm").blur(function () { if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 9) { if ($(".dx_box #yzm").val() == "") { $(".log_col2 .log_p").show(); } } regImgDX(); }) $(".dx_box #yzmcode").blur(function () { if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 9) { if ($(".dx_box #yzmcode").val() == "") { $(".log_col3 .log_p").show(); } } regCodeDX(); }) // 密碼登錄 $("#pass_login").click(function () { if (regPWDPhone()) { if (regPwd()) { if (regCodeImgPwd()) { // 提交 var logTxt = $(".pass_box .loginphone").val(); var pwdTxt = $(".pass_box .loginpwd").val(); var imgTxt = $(".pass_box .loginimg").val(); var time = new Date(); var nowTime = String(time.getFullYear()) + String(time.getMonth() + 1) + String(time .getDate()) + String(time.getHours()) + String(time.getMinutes()) + String( time.getSeconds()); if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 8) { var httpxml; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //大多數(shù)瀏覽器 httpxml = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { //古董級瀏覽器 httpxml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } httpxml.open("post", "/yuan/login/loginnew/login", true); httpxml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpxml.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpxml.readyState == 4 && httpxml.status == 200) { var s; if (typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') { s = eval("(" + httpxml.responseText + ")"); } else { s = JSON.parse(httpxml.responseText); } $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".pass_box .log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".pass_box 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$(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("您的賬號久未登錄,請聯(lián)系客服"); } else if (s.code == 548 || s.code == 550) { $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("圖形驗證碼錯誤"); changeYzm(); } else if (s.code == 514) { $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("登錄過于頻繁,請稍后重試"); changeYzm(); } else if (s.code == 5001 || s.code == 5002 || s.code == 5003 || s .code == 5091 || s.code == 5092 || s.code == 5093 || s.code == 5094 || s.code == 5095) { $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("您輸入的用戶名密碼不匹配,請重新輸入"); $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("您輸入的用戶名密碼不匹配,請重新輸入"); changeYzmL(); } } } httpxml.send("phone=" + convert1(logTxt) + "&password=" + convert1(pwdTxt) + "&yzm=" + 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$(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("該賬號或手機號未注冊"); changeYzm(); } else if (data.code == 501) { $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("您輸入的用戶名密碼不匹配,請重新輸入"); console.log(document.querySelector(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error"), document.querySelector(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error p")); $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("您輸入的用戶名密碼不匹配,請重新輸入"); changeYzm(); } else if (data.code == 509) { $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("您的賬號久未登錄,請聯(lián)系客服"); } else if (data.code == 548 || data.code == 550) { $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("圖形驗證碼錯誤"); changeYzm(); } else if (data.code == 514) { $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("登錄過于頻繁,請稍后重試"); changeYzm(); } else if (data.code == 5001 || data.code == 5002 || data.code == 5003 || s .code == 5091 || data.code == 5092 || data.code == 5093 || data.code == 5094 || data.code == 5095) { $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("您輸入的用戶名密碼不匹配,請重新輸入"); $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("您輸入的用戶名密碼不匹配,請重新輸入"); changeYzm(); } } }) } } } } }) // 短信登錄 $("#dx_login").click(function () { var keywords = "default"; var visit_source = "default"; if (sessionStorage.getItem("route")) { var result = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("route")); // ggw_id = "7002"; keywords = result.s_txt; visit_source = result.s_url; } if (regPhoneDX()) { if (regImgDX()) { if (regCodeDX()) { companySname = getCompanySource(); // 提交 var logTxt = $(".dx_box #loginname").val(); var codeTxt = $(".dx_box #yzmcode").val(); var time = new Date(); var nowTime = String(time.getFullYear()) + String(time.getMonth() + 1) + String(time .getDate()) + String(time.getHours()) + String(time.getMinutes()) + String( time.getSeconds()); if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 8) { var httpxml; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //大多數(shù)瀏覽器 httpxml = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { //古董級瀏覽器 httpxml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } httpxml.open("post", "/yuan/login/messagelogin/logincheckmessage", true); httpxml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpxml.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpxml.readyState == 4 && httpxml.status == 200) { var s; if (typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') { s = eval("(" + httpxml.responseText + ")"); } else { s = JSON.parse(httpxml.responseText); } $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".dx_box .log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".dx_box .log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").hide(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").removeClass("error_color"); $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html(""); if (s.code == 200 || s.code == 201) { //登錄成功,注冊過 $(".dx_box .msg_error").html("").hide(); reglinktxt(); } else if (s.code == 500) { $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("該手機號未注冊"); } else if (s.code == 501) { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("請先獲取手機驗證碼"); } else if (s.code == 510) { $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("請輸入正確的手機號或驗證碼"); $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("請輸入正確的手機號或驗證碼"); } else if (s.code == 512) { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("驗證碼輸入錯誤次數(shù)過多,請稍后重試"); } else if (s.code == 513) { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("手機驗證碼錯誤"); } else if (s.code == 514) { $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("登錄過于頻繁,請稍后重試"); } else if (s.code == 551 || s.code == 552 || s.code == 553 || s .code == 554 || s.code == 555 || s.code == 556) { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("短信發(fā)送失敗,請稍后重試"); } else if (s.code == 550) { $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("圖形驗證碼錯誤"); changeYzm(); } } } httpxml.send("phone=" + convert1(logTxt) + "&phonecode=" + convert1(codeTxt) + "&url=''&t=" + nowTime + "&ggw_id=" + convert1("default") + "&keywords=" + convert1(keywords) + "&visit_source=" + convert1(visit_source) + "&companyName=" + convert1(companySname)); } else { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/yuan/login/messagelogin/logincheckmessage", data: { phone: convert1(logTxt), phonecode: convert1(codeTxt), url: "", t: nowTime, ggw_id: convert1("default"), keywords: convert1(keywords), visit_source: convert1(visit_source), companyName: convert1(companySname) }, success: function (data) { $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".dx_box .log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".dx_box .log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".dx_box .log_col3 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.log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("驗證碼輸入錯誤次數(shù)過多,請稍后重試"); } else if (data.code == 513) { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("手機驗證碼錯誤"); } else if (data.code == 514) { $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("登錄過于頻繁,請稍后重試"); } else if (data.code == 551 || data.code == 552 || data.code == 553 || s .code == 554 || data.code == 555 || data.code == 556) { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("短信發(fā)送失敗,請稍后重試"); } else if (data.code == 550) { $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("圖形驗證碼錯誤"); changeYzm(); } } }) } } } } }) $("#getCodeDX").click(function () { if (regPhoneDX()) { if (regImgDX()) { // 發(fā)送驗證碼 var logTxt = $(".dx_box #loginname").val(); var imgTxt = $(".dx_box #yzm").val(); console.log(imgTxt, "getCodeDX") if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 8) { var httpxml; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //大多數(shù)瀏覽器 httpxml = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { //古董級瀏覽器 httpxml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } httpxml.open("post", "/yuan/login/messagelogin/sendmessage", true); httpxml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpxml.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpxml.readyState == 4 && httpxml.status == 200) { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col2 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".log_col3 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col3").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col3 .msg_error p").html(""); var s; if (typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') { s = eval("(" + httpxml.responseText + ")"); } else { s = JSON.parse(httpxml.responseText); } if (s.isSuccess) { // 開始倒計時 clearInterval(timer); $("#getCodeDX").addClass("notclick"); // 60s倒計時 var timer = null; var index = 60; $("#getCodeDX").html(index + "S后可重發(fā)"); timer = setInterval(function () { index--; $("#getCodeDX").html(index + "S后可重發(fā)"); if (index == 0) { $("#getCodeDX").removeClass("notclick"); $("#getCodeDX").html("重新獲取驗證碼"); clearInterval(timer); } }, 1000) } else { if (s.code == 543) { $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html(s.msg); } else if (s.code == 556) { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("短信發(fā)送失敗"); } else { $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html(s.msg); } changeYzm(); } } else if (httpxml.readyState == 4 && httpxml.status != 200) { //非200表示異常 // alert("微信掃碼異常") } } httpxml.send("phone=" + convert1(logTxt) + "&yzm=" + convert1(imgTxt)); } else { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/yuan/login/messagelogin/sendmessage", data: { phone: convert1(logTxt), yzm: convert1(imgTxt) }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col2 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".log_col3 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col3").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col3 .msg_error p").html(""); if (data.isSuccess) { // 開始倒計時 clearInterval(timer); $("#getCodeDX").addClass("notclick"); // 60s倒計時 var timer = null; var index = 60; $("#getCodeDX").html(index + "S后可重發(fā)"); timer = setInterval(function () { index--; $("#getCodeDX").html(index + "S后可重發(fā)"); if (index == 0) { $("#getCodeDX").removeClass("notclick"); $("#getCodeDX").html("重新獲取驗證碼"); clearInterval(timer); } }, 1000) } else { if (data.code == 543) { $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html(data.msg); } else if (data.code == 556) { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("短信發(fā)送失敗"); } else { $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html(data.msg); } // alert(1) changeYzm(); } }, error: function (xhr) { //非200表示異常 // if (xhr.status != 200) { // alert("微信掃碼異常") // } } }) } } } }) $("#getCode").click(function () { var flag1 = regPhone(); var flag2 = regCodeImg(); if (flag1 && flag2) { // 發(fā)送驗證碼 var logTxt = $(".regis_box #loginname").val(); var imgTxt = $(".regis_box #yzm").val(); console.log(imgTxt, "getCode") if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 8) { var httpxml; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //大多數(shù)瀏覽器 httpxml = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { //古董級瀏覽器 httpxml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } httpxml.open("post", "/yuan/register/registernew/sendmessageyzm", true); httpxml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpxml.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpxml.readyState == 4 && httpxml.status == 200) { // 清除樣式 $(".log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col2 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".log_col3 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col3").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col3 .msg_error p").html(""); var s; if (typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') { s = eval("(" + httpxml.responseText + ")"); } else { s = JSON.parse(httpxml.responseText); } if (s.isSuccess) { // 開始倒計時 clearInterval(timer); $("#getCode").addClass("notclick"); // 60s倒計時 var timer = null; var index = 60; $("#getCode").html(index + "S后可重發(fā)"); timer = setInterval(function () { index--; $("#getCode").html(index + "S后可重發(fā)"); if (index == 0) { $("#getCode").removeClass("notclick"); $("#getCode").html("重新獲取驗證碼"); clearInterval(timer); } }, 1000) } else { if (s.code == 543) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("您的手機已注冊,請直接登錄"); } else if (s.code == 556) { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("短信發(fā)送失敗"); } else { $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html(s.msg); } changeYzm(); } } } httpxml.send("phone=" + convert1(logTxt) + "&yzm=" + convert1(imgTxt)); } else { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/yuan/register/registernew/sendmessageyzm", data: { phone: convert1(logTxt), yzm: convert1(imgTxt) }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { // 清除樣式 $(".log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col2 .msg_error p").html(""); $(".log_col3 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col3").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col3 .msg_error p").html(""); if (data.isSuccess) { // 開始倒計時 clearInterval(timer); $("#getCode").addClass("notclick"); // 60s倒計時 var timer = null; var index = 60; $("#getCode").html(index + "S后可重發(fā)"); timer = setInterval(function () { index--; $("#getCode").html(index + "S后可重發(fā)"); if (index == 0) { $("#getCode").removeClass("notclick"); $("#getCode").html("重新獲取驗證碼"); clearInterval(timer); } }, 1000) } else { if (data.code == 543) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("您的手機已注冊,請直接登錄"); } else if (data.code == 556) { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("短信發(fā)送失敗"); } else { $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html(data.msg); } changeYzm(); } } }) } } }) $(".regis_box .log_col4 .login-btn").click(function () { var ggw_id = getGgwId(); var utm_term = setUtm(); var utm_source = getUtmSource(); var utm_campaign =getUtmType("utm_campaign"); var utm_content =getUtmType("utm_content"); var utm_keyid = getUtmType("utm_keyid"); var bd_vid = getUtmType("bd_vid"); var qhclickid = getUtmType("qhclickid"); var site_durl = getUrlInfo(0); var site_title = getUrlInfo(1); var keywords = "default"; var visit_source = "default"; var logidUrl = location.href; if (logidUrl.indexOf("utm_term") !== -1 || logidUrl.indexOf("bd_vid") !== -1) { localStorage.setItem("logidUrl", logidUrl) } var flag1 = regPhone(); var flag2 = regCodeImg(); var flag3 = regPhoneCode(); var flag4 = regLxname(); var flag5 = regCompanyName(); if (flag1 && flag2 && flag3 && flag4 && flag5) { // 更新登錄后的版塊 var logTxt = $(".regis_box #loginname").val(); var imgTxt = $(".regis_box #yzm").val(); var yzmTxt = $(".regis_box #yzmcode").val(); var lxname = $(".regis_box #lxname").val(); var companyName = $("#companyName").val(); var time = new Date(); var nowTime = String(time.getFullYear()) + String(time.getMonth() + 1) + String(time.getDate()) + String( time.getHours()) + String(time.getMinutes()) + String(time.getSeconds()); if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 8) { var httpxml; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //大多數(shù)瀏覽器 httpxml = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { //古董級瀏覽器 httpxml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } httpxml.open("post", "/yuan/register/registernew/register", true); httpxml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpxml.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpxml.readyState == 4 && httpxml.status == 200) { var s; if (typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') { s = eval("(" + httpxml.responseText + ")"); } else { s = JSON.parse(httpxml.responseText); } $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".regis_box .log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); if (s.code == 200) { //登錄成功,注冊過 // regSuccess(); // regSuccess2(); closeLog() new regInit() } else if (s.code == 201) { //注冊成功 // alert("號碼還未注冊,登錄后將注冊為新用戶!"); // regSuccess(); // regSuccess2(); closeLog() new regInit() } else if (s.code == 510) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("請輸入正確的手機號或驗證碼"); } else if (s.code == 501) { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") // $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(s.msg); $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("未獲取驗證碼"); } else if (data.code == 506) { $(".regis_box .log_col6 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col16").addClass("error_color") // $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(data.msg); $(".regis_box .log_col6 .msg_error p").html("公司名不合法"); } else if (s.code == 512) { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("驗證碼輸入錯誤次數(shù)過多,請稍后再試"); } else if (s.code == 513) { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("手機驗證碼錯誤"); } else if (s.code == 514) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("登錄過于頻繁,請稍后重試"); } else if (s.code == 551 || s.code == 552 || s.code == 553 || s.code == 554 || s.code == 555 || s .code == 556) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("短信發(fā)送失敗,請稍后重試"); } } } httpxml.send("phone=" + convert1(logTxt) + "&phonecode=" + convert1(yzmTxt) + "&t=" + nowTime + "&custName=" + convert1(lxname) + "&companyName=" + convert1(companyName) + "&ggw_id=" + convert1( ggw_id) + "&utm_term=" + convert1(utm_term) + "&utm_source=" + convert1(utm_source) + "&site_title=" + convert1(site_title) + "&site_durl=" + convert1(site_durl) + "&companySource=36&keywords=" + convert1(keywords) + "&visit_source=" + convert1( visit_source) + "&utm_campaign=" + convert1(utm_campaign) + "&utm_content=" + convert1(utm_content)+ "&utm_keyid=" + convert1(utm_keyid)+"&qhclickid="+convert1(qhclickid)+"&logidUrl="+convert1(logidUrl)); } else { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/yuan/register/registernew/register", data: { phone: convert1(logTxt), phonecode: convert1(yzmTxt), t: nowTime, custName: convert1(lxname), companyName: convert1(companyName), ggw_id: convert1(ggw_id), site_durl: convert1(site_durl), site_title: convert1(site_title), utm_term: convert1(utm_term), utm_source: convert1(utm_source), utm_campaign: convert1(utm_campaign), utm_content: convert1(utm_content), utm_keyid: convert1(utm_keyid), qhclickid: convert1(qhclickid), companySource: 21, keywords: convert1(keywords), visit_source: convert1(visit_source), logidUrl: convert1(logidUrl), }, success: function (data) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".regis_box .log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); if (data.code == 200) { //登錄成功,注冊過 // regSuccess(); // regSuccess2(); closeLog() new regInit() } else if (data.code == 201) { //注冊成功 // alert("號碼還未注冊,登錄后將注冊為新用戶!"); // regSuccess(); // regSuccess2(); closeLog() new regInit() } else if (data.code == 510) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("請輸入正確的手機號或驗證碼"); } else if (data.code == 501) { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col13").addClass("error_color") // $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(data.msg); $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("未獲取驗證碼"); } else if (data.code == 506) { $(".regis_box .log_col6 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col16").addClass("error_color") // $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(data.msg); $(".regis_box .log_col6 .msg_error p").html("公司名不合法"); } else if (data.code == 512) { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("驗證碼輸入錯誤次數(shù)過多,請稍后再試"); } else if (data.code == 513) { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("手機驗證碼錯誤"); } else if (data.code == 514) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("登錄過于頻繁,請稍后重試"); } else if (data.code == 551 || data.code == 552 || data.code == 553 || data.code == 554 || data .code == 555 || data.code == 556) { $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col1 .msg_error p").html("短信發(fā)送失敗,請稍后重試"); } } }) } } }) // 登錄跳轉 function linkGio() { if (localStorage.getItem('aaacreditparams')) { //210726 aaacredit添加 var aaacreditparams = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('aaacreditparams')); var currentdate = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); if (aaacreditparams.aaacreditdate == currentdate) { aaacreditparams.isfirst = '0' } else { aaacreditparams.aaacreditdate = currentdate; aaacreditparams.isfirst = '1' } localStorage.setItem("aaacreditparams", JSON.stringify(aaacreditparams)); } else { localStorage.setItem("aaacreditparams", JSON.stringify({ aaacreditdate: new Date().toLocaleDateString(), isfirst: '1' })); } localStorage.setItem('isText', 1); var arr = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href), arrlist = [], flag = false, arrUrl = "", sourceUrl = "", emailflag = isEmailLink(); console.log(arr); if (arr.split("?")[1]) { arrlist = arr.split("?")[1].split("&"); for (var k = 0; k < arrlist.length; k++) { if (arrlist[k].split("=")[0] == "url") { flag = true; arrUrl = arrlist[k].split("=")[1]; } else if (arrlist[k].split("=")[0] == "source") { sourceUrl = arrlist[k].split("=")[1] } } } if (flag || emailflag) { if (arrUrl.indexOf("tobussroom") != -1 || emailflag) { swsLink(); } else { if (arr.indexOf('searchadvxmxx/search3') != -1 || arr.indexOf('searchgj/zbcg') != -1) { window.location.href = "http://www.yuhuangcheng.com" + arr.split('?url=')[1] } else { window.location.href = "http://www.yuhuangcheng.com" + arrUrl } } } else { // ##wu var status; if (sessionStorage.getItem('status')) { status = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('status')) status.isLink = true sessionStorage.setItem('status', JSON.stringify(status)) } if (sessionStorage.getItem('url')) { // window.location.href = sessionStorage.getItem('url') window.location.reload(); } else { if (sourceUrl == "3") { window.location.href = 'http://www.yuhuangcheng.com/public/2020/html/ybcloud.html'; } else if (sourceUrl == "2") { window.location.; } else { // window.location.href = 'http://www.yuhuangcheng.com/public/2020/html/index.html'; window.location.reload(); } } } } function reglinktxt() { // 登錄埋點的信息獲取 var da = new Date(); da = da.getTime(); if ((!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && IEVersion() <= 8) { var httpxml; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //大多數(shù)瀏覽器 httpxml = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { //古董級瀏覽器 httpxml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } httpxml.open("post", "/cblcn/Home/logincheckAndGetMeta", true); httpxml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpxml.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpxml.readyState == 4 && httpxml.status == 200) { var s; if (typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') { s = eval("(" + httpxml.responseText + ")"); } else { s = JSON.parse(httpxml.responseText); } // 登錄的埋點 if (s.member) { var userdata = s.member // gio('setUserId', userdata.record_id); // gio('people.set', { // 'metaId': userdata.metaId, // 'groupId': userdata.cust_right_group // }); linkGio(); } } else if (httpxml.readyState == 4 && httpxml.status != 200) { linkGio(); } } httpxml.send("t=" + da); } else { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/cblcn/Home/logincheckAndGetMeta", data: { t: da }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { //處理邏輯 console.log(data, "Data"); linkGio(); if (data.member) { var userdata = data.member // gio('setUserId', userdata.record_id); // gio('people.set', { // 'metaId': userdata.metaId, // 'groupId': userdata.cust_right_group // }); linkGio(); } }, error: function (xhr) { //非200表示異常 if (xhr.status != 200) { linkGio(); } } }) } } //0427判斷是否從郵件訂閱過來 function isEmailLink() { var dzUrl = window.location.href, dzList = [], dzhtml = ""; if (dzUrl.indexOf("?") != -1) { dzList = dzUrl.split("?")[1].split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < dzList.length; i++) { if (dzList[i].split("=")[0] == "query" || dzList[i].split("=")[0] == "type") { dzhtml += "&" + dzList[i]; } } if (dzhtml) { sessionStorage.setItem("isEmail", dzhtml) } return dzhtml } else { return "" } } // 注冊驗證 function regPhone() { var logTxt = $(".regis_box #loginname").val(); var reg=/^1([38][0-9]|4[579]|5[0-3,5-9]|6[6]|7[0135678]|9[01235789])\d{8}$/;; if (logTxt == "") { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html("請輸入手機號"); return false } else { if (reg.test(logTxt)) { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); return true } else { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html("請輸入正確手機號"); return false } } } function regCodeImg() { var imgTxt = $(".regis_box #yzm").val(); if (imgTxt == "") { $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("請輸入圖片驗證碼"); return false } else { $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".regis_box .log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); $(".regis_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html(""); return true } } function regPhoneCode() { var yzmTxt = $(".regis_box #yzmcode").val(); if (yzmTxt == "") { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("請輸入手機驗證碼"); return false } else { $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error").hide(); $(".regis_box .log_col3").removeClass("error_color"); $(".regis_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html(""); return true } } function regLxname() { var lxnameTxt = $("#lxname").val(); var Reg = /^[A-Za-z\u4E00-\u9FFF]+$/; if (lxnameTxt == "") { $(".log_col5 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col5").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col5 .msg_error p").html("請輸入聯(lián)系人姓名"); return false } else { if (lxnameTxt.length >= 2) { if (lxnameTxt.length <= 25) { if (Reg.test(lxnameTxt)) { $(".log_col5 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col5").removeClass("error_color"); return true } else { $(".log_col5 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col5").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col5 .msg_error p").html("聯(lián)系人姓名不能包含符號、空格與數(shù)字"); return false } } else { $(".log_col5 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col5").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col5 .msg_error p").html("聯(lián)系人姓名輸入過長(2-25位)"); return false } } else { $(".log_col5 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col5").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col5 .msg_error p").html("聯(lián)系人姓名輸入過短(2-25位)"); return false } } } function regCompanyName() { var companyTxt = $("#companyName").val(); var Reg = /^[0-9A-Za-z\u4E00-\u9FFF()()]+$/; if (companyTxt == "") { $(".log_col6 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col6").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col6 .msg_error p").html("請輸入公司名稱"); return false } else { if (companyTxt.length >= 4) { if (companyTxt.length <= 50) { if (Reg.test(companyTxt)) { if(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(companyTxt)){ $(".log_col6 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col6").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col6 .msg_error p").html("請輸入正確的公司名稱"); return false }else{ $(".log_col6 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col6").removeClass("error_color"); return true } } else { $(".log_col6 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col6").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col6 .msg_error p").html("公司名稱不能包含符號與空格"); return false } } else { $(".log_col6 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col6").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col6 .msg_error p").html("公司名稱輸入過長(4-50位)"); return false } } else { $(".log_col6 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col6").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col6 .msg_error p").html("公司名稱輸入過短(4-50位)"); return false } } } // 驗證密碼 function regPwd() { var logTxt = $(".pass_box #loginpassword").val(); if (logTxt == "") { $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("請輸入登錄密碼"); return false } else { $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".pass_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("") $(".pass_box .log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); return true } } function regCodeImgPwd() { var imgTxt = $(".pass_box #yzm").val(); if (imgTxt == "") { $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".pass_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("請輸入圖片驗證碼"); return false } else { $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error").hide(); $(".pass_box .log_col3").removeClass("error_color"); $(".pass_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html(""); return true } } // 密碼登錄驗證phone function regPWDPhone() { var logTxt = $(".pass_box #loginname").val(); if (logTxt == "") { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html("請輸入用戶名或手機號"); return false } else { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); return true } } // 短信驗證 function regPhoneDX() { var logTxt = $(".dx_box #loginname").val(); var reg = /^1([38][0-9]|4[579]|5[0-3,5-9]|6[6]|7[0135678]|9[123589])\d{8}$/; if (logTxt == "") { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html("請輸入手機號"); return false } else { if (reg.test(logTxt)) { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").hide(); $(".log_col1").removeClass("error_color"); $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html(""); return true } else { $(".log_col1 .msg_error").show(); $(".log_col1").addClass("error_color") $(".log_col1 .msg_error p").html("請輸入正確手機號"); return false } } } function regImgDX() { var imgTxt = $(".dx_box #yzm").val(); if (imgTxt == "") { $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col2").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html("請輸入圖片驗證碼"); return false } else { // 圖形驗證碼 $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error").hide(); $(".dx_box .log_col2").removeClass("error_color"); $(".dx_box .log_col2 .msg_error p").html(""); return true } } function regCodeDX() { var yzmTxt = $(".dx_box #yzmcode").val(); if (yzmTxt == "") { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").show(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").addClass("error_color") $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html("請輸入手機驗證碼"); return false } else { $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error").hide(); $(".dx_box .log_col3").removeClass("error_color"); $(".dx_box .log_col3 .msg_error p").html(""); return true } } function regSuccess() { // track API // gio('track', 'zhucechenggong'); // 注冊成功不彈窗 closeLog(); var date = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); localStorage.setItem("regInfoFlag", date); localStorage.setItem('isText', 1); $(".regshadow").show(); // 5s倒計時 var timer = null; var index = 5; timer = setInterval(function () { index--; $(".regshadow .regtxt .p2 i").html(index); if (index == 0) { clearInterval(timer); // history.go(0); localStorage.setItem("registerFlag", "1") // window.location.href = '/?springFlag=1'; window.location.reload(); } }, 1000) } function refreshPage() { // history.go(0); localStorage.setItem("registerFlag", "1") // window.location.href = '/?springFlag=1'; window.location.reload(); } function setRegFlag(site, url,type) { var res; res = ((typeof (type) == "object") == true || type == undefined) ? 2 : type; console.log(res, "Res",type); var isText = localStorage.getItem('isText'); var regFlag = localStorage.getItem('regInfoFlag'); var date = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); // var isCompeted = false; // if ((isText == 0 && regFlag !== date) || site == true) { // if(isCompeted || site == true) { if(site == true) { if (url == null) { var url = location.href; } sessionStorage.setItem('url', url); changeTab(res) } } function openfpass() { $(".forgetshadow").show() } function closefpass() { $(".forgetshadow").hide() } // 獲取注冊公司信息來源 function getCompanySource(Cname) { // var cArr = window.location.href.split("?"); // var dq = document.referrer.split("?"); // if(cArr[1] && cArr[1].split("=")[0]=="source"){ // if(dq[1] && dq[1].split("=")[0]=="channel_id"){ // return Cname+"_頻道新"+dq[1].split("=")[1] // }else{ // if(cArr[1].split("=")[1] == "3"){ // return Cname+"_元博網(wǎng)大數(shù)據(jù)新" // }else if(cArr[1].split("=")[1] == "2"){ // return Cname+"_元博網(wǎng)新" // }else{ // return Cname+"_采購與招標網(wǎng)新" // } // } // }else{ // return Cname+"_采購與招標網(wǎng)新" // } return Cname } // 獲取圖片驗證碼 function changeYzm() { var randomNum = ('000000' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)).slice(-6); var time = new Date(); var nowTime = String(time.getFullYear()) + String(time.getMonth() + 1) + String(time.getDate()) + String(time .getHours()) + String(time.getMinutes()) + String(time.getSeconds()); // $("#yzmImage").attr("src", "/cblcn/member.Login/captcha?randomID=" + randomNum + "&t=" + nowTime); for (var i = 0; i < $(".register_box").length; i++) { $(".register_box").eq(i).find("#yzmImage").attr("src", "/cblcn/member.Login/captcha?randomID=" + randomNum + "&t=" + nowTime) } } // $("#yzmImage").click(function () { // changeYzm(); // }) // 隱私協(xié)議 201217 $(".fastlog .contract i").click(function () { setAgreeshadow(); $(".agreeshadow").show() }) function closeAgree() { $(".agreeshadow").remove() // $(".agreeshadow").hide() } function setAgreeshadow() { var text = ""; text += "<div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class=\"agreeshadow\" style=\"z-index: 100000000;\">"; text += " <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class=\"agreement\">"; text += " <div class="ec7yi2bgsz" id=\"treaty\">"; text += " <h2>元博網(wǎng)采購與招標網(wǎng)隱私政策及用戶服務協(xié)議</h2>"; text += " <div id="ec7yi2bgsz" class=\"content\">"; text += " <h4>1. 特別提示</h4>"; text += " <p class=\"p1\">"; text += " 1.1 元博網(wǎng)采購與招標網(wǎng)(以下簡稱采招網(wǎng))同意按照本協(xié)議的規(guī)定及其不定時發(fā)布的操作規(guī)則提供基于互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的相關服務(以下稱“網(wǎng)絡服務”)。"; text += " 為獲得網(wǎng)絡服務,服務使用人(以下稱“用戶”)應當同意本協(xié)議的全部條款并按照頁面上的提示完成全部的注冊程序。用戶注冊即代表用戶同意本網(wǎng)站隱私政策和用戶服務協(xié)議。</p>"; text += " <h4>2. 服務內容</h4>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 2.1 采招網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡服務的具體內容由采招網(wǎng)根據(jù)實際情況提供,并保留隨時變更、中斷或終止部分或全部網(wǎng)絡服務的權利。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 2.2 采招網(wǎng)在提供網(wǎng)絡服務時,會對部分網(wǎng)絡服務的用戶收取一定的費用。在此情況下,采招網(wǎng)會在相關頁面上做明確的提示。如用戶拒絕支付該項費用,"; text += " 則不能使用相關的網(wǎng)絡服務。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p class=\"p1\">"; text += " 2.3 用戶理解,采招網(wǎng)僅提供相關的網(wǎng)絡服務,除此之外與相關網(wǎng)絡服務有關的設備(如電腦、調制解調器及其他與接入互聯(lián)網(wǎng)有關的裝置)及所需的費用"; text += " (如為接入互聯(lián)網(wǎng)而支付的電話費及上網(wǎng)費)均應由用戶自行負擔。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>3. 使用規(guī)則</h4>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 3.1 用戶在申請使用采招網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡服務時,必須提供準確的企業(yè)及個人資料,如資料有任何變動,必須及時更新。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 3.2 用戶注冊成功后,采招網(wǎng)將給予每個用戶一個用戶名及相應的密碼,該用戶名和密碼由用戶負責保管;用戶應當對以其用戶名進行的所有活動和事件負法律責任。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 3.3 用戶必須同意接受采招網(wǎng)通過電子郵件或其他方式向用戶發(fā)送的相關網(wǎng)站服務信息。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 3.4 用戶必須同意遵循以下原則:"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(a)</span>遵守中國有關的法律和法規(guī);</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(b)</span>不得為任何非法目的而使用網(wǎng)絡服務系統(tǒng);</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(c)</span>遵守所有與網(wǎng)絡服務有關的網(wǎng)絡協(xié)議、規(guī)定和程序;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(d)</span>不得利用采招網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡服務系統(tǒng)進行任何可能對互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的正常運轉造成不利影響的行為;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(e)</span>不得利用采招網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡服務系統(tǒng)傳輸任何騷擾性的、中傷他人的、辱罵性的、恐嚇性的、庸俗淫穢的或其他任何非法的信息資料;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(f)</span>不得利用采招網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡服務系統(tǒng)進行任何不利于采招網(wǎng)的行為;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(g)</span>如發(fā)現(xiàn)任何非法使用用戶名或用戶出現(xiàn)安全漏洞的情況,應立即通告采招網(wǎng)。</p>"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 3.5用戶必須同意遵循以下規(guī)則:"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(a)</span>一個用戶名只屬于一個企業(yè)或個人,同一時間只能在一臺機器上使用,并且一周內不能在超過7臺不同的機器上使用。"; text += " 未經(jīng)采招網(wǎng)書面許可,用戶不得將其用戶名、密碼轉售、贈與、轉借、租供給第三方或用于商業(yè)性用途。否則,由此造成的一切后果和責任由"; text += " 用戶承擔;同時,采招網(wǎng)有權單方面中止為其提供的服務。</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2 p1\"><span>(b)</span>未經(jīng)采招網(wǎng)書面許可,用戶不得利用采招網(wǎng)所獲得的信息用于商業(yè)用途,如發(fā)現(xiàn)用戶與采招網(wǎng)形成競爭或損害采招網(wǎng)的利益,"; text += " 或采招網(wǎng)認為對其正常運營造成損害的其他行為,采招網(wǎng)有權單方面終止其使用資格,由此造成的一切后果和責任由用戶承擔。?</p>"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>4. 內容所有權</h4>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 4.1 采招網(wǎng)提供的網(wǎng)絡服務內容受版權、商標和其它財產(chǎn)所有權法律的保護。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p class=\"p1\">"; text += " 4.2 用戶只有在獲得采招網(wǎng)或其他相關權利人的授權之后才能使用這些內容,而不能擅自復制、再造這些內容、或創(chuàng)造與內容有關的派生產(chǎn)品。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>5. 隱私保護</h4>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 5.1 保護用戶隱私是采招網(wǎng)的一項基本政策,采招網(wǎng)保證不對外公開或向第三方提供用戶注冊資料及用戶在使用網(wǎng)絡服務時存儲在采招網(wǎng)的非公開內容,但下列情況除外:?"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(a)</span>事先獲得用戶的明確授權;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(b)</span>根據(jù)有關的法律法規(guī)要求;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(c)</span>按照相關政府主管部門的要求;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(d)</span>為維護社會公眾的利益;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2 p1\"><span>(e)</span>為維護采招網(wǎng)的合法權益。</p>"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>6. 免責聲明</h4>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 6.1 用戶使用采招網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡服務所存在的風險將完全由其自己承擔;因其使用采招網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡服務而產(chǎn)生的一切后果也由其自己承擔,采招網(wǎng)對用戶不承擔任何責任。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>7. 服務變更、中斷或終止</h4>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 7.1 如因系統(tǒng)維護或升級的需要而需暫停網(wǎng)絡服務,采招網(wǎng)將盡可能事先進行通告。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 7.2 如發(fā)生下列任何一種情形,采招網(wǎng)有權隨時中斷或終止向用戶提供本協(xié)議項下的網(wǎng)絡服務而無需通知用戶:"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(a)</span>用戶提供的個人資料不真實;</p>"; text += " <p class=\"p2\"><span>(b)</span>用戶違反本協(xié)議中規(guī)定的使用規(guī)則。</p>"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p class=\"p1\">"; text += " 7.3 除前款所述情形外,采招網(wǎng)同時保留在事先通知用戶的情況下隨時中斷或終止部分或全部網(wǎng)絡服務的權利,對于所有服務的中斷或終止而造成的任何損失,采招網(wǎng)無需對用戶或任何第三方承擔任何責任。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>8. 違約賠償</h4>"; text += " <p class=\"p1\">"; text += " 8.1 用戶同意保障和維護采招網(wǎng)及其他用戶的利益,如因用戶違反有關法律、法規(guī)或本協(xié)議項下的任何條款而給采招網(wǎng)或任何其他第三人造成損失,用戶同意承擔由此造成的損害賠償責任。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>9. 修改協(xié)議</h4>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 9.1 采招網(wǎng)將可能不時的修改本協(xié)議的有關條款,一旦條款內容發(fā)生變動,采招網(wǎng)將會在相關的頁面提示修改內容。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p class=\"p1\">"; text += " 9.2 如果不同意采招網(wǎng)對服務條款所做的修改,用戶有權停止使用網(wǎng)絡服務。如果用戶繼續(xù)使用網(wǎng)絡服務,則視為用戶接受服務條款的變動。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>10. 通知和送達</h4>"; text += " <p class=\"p1\">"; text += " 10.1 本協(xié)議項下所有的通知均可通過重要頁面公告、電子郵件或常規(guī)的信件傳送等方式進行;該等通知于發(fā)送之日視為已送達收件人。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <h4>11. 其他規(guī)定</h4>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 11.1 本協(xié)議構成雙方對本協(xié)議之約定事項及其他有關事宜的完整協(xié)議,除本協(xié)議規(guī)定的之外,未賦予本協(xié)議各方其他權利。"; text += " </p>"; text += " <p>"; text += " 11.2 如本協(xié)議中的任何條款無論因何種原因完全或部分無效或不具有執(zhí)行力,本協(xié)議的其余條款仍應有效并且有約束力。"; text += " </p>"; text += " </div>"; text += " </div>"; text += " <i class=\"iconfont closei\" onclick=\"closeAgree()\"></i>"; text += " </div>"; text += "</div>"; $("body").append(text); } // 請登錄 function loginTo(index) { isText = localStorage.getItem('isText'); if (isText == 1) { history.go(0) } else { if (index == 1) { window.open("/public/2020/html/login.html?source=1") } else if (index == 2) { window.open("/public/2020/html/register.html?source=1") } } } function convert1(txt) { var a = '434D643932666D644B454E304E646C616535334D6435666E'; a = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(a) b = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse("30393138313633304D4D474C435A5059") var enc = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(txt, a, { iv: b, mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 }) return enc.ciphertext.toString() } function getGgwId() { var url = location.href; var ggw_id = "default"; if (url.indexOf("ggw_id") !== -1) { // url中有ggw_id參數(shù) var queryList = location.search.substring(1).split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < queryList.length; i++) { if (queryList[i].indexOf("ggw_id") !== -1) { ggw_id = queryList[i].split("=")[1] 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window.confirm(data.msg); } }, error: function(data){ console.log(data); } }) } else{ window.confirm("還未選擇禮品!"); } } function regSuccess2() { // gio('track', 'zhucechenggong'); // 注冊成功不彈窗 closeLog(); var date = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); localStorage.setItem("regInfoFlag", date); localStorage.setItem('isText', 1); $(".popRegSucess").show(); } function regInit(){ var that = this $('.reg-success-shadow').show() this.opens = 1 //打開下拉框次數(shù) this.areas = {names:'',vals:'0'} //選中的地區(qū) this.keywords = [] this.getWxCode() //回顯二維碼 $('.area-chose').on('click',function(){ if($('.area-drop').css('display')=='none'){ $('.area-drop').show() $('.area-chose i').css('transform','rotate(180deg)') // 第一次默認全國 if(that.opens == 1){ $('.area-drop li input').prop('checked',true) that.opens++ } }else{ $('.area-drop').hide() $('.area-chose i').css('transform','rotate(0)') } }) $('.area-drop li input').on('click',function(){ if($(this).attr('id')=='quanguo'){ //全國 $(this).prop('checked')?$('.area-drop 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